Testing the podcast

Hello, welcome to Podcast Zero, this is a test of the emergency broadcast system…. Well, not really, I am trying to see how I can go about getting podcasts up and running here, and plugged in, and not sound quite so stupid as I try and record things. One of those things where it is easy to criticize others that are doing it, until you hit the record button and go,,,,, UHHHHHHHHHHHH

So lets see how this works, and if it comes out and can be used. Feel free to comment and make suggestions, lord knows I need some guidance. Just not sure if this is going to be one of those things where my own words come back to haunt me. Often when someone is singing in the Bay I will ask them if they are a very good mechanic, they usually answer “fair enough” or something to which I tell them how I relieved that they will not have to make a living singing.

I have a feeling that will apply to me as well, but I hope to practice enough to get better.

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